Commission Meeting Agenda Item No. 3
Presenter: Tim Birdsong

Land and Water Resources Conservation and Recreation Plan
Recommended Approval of Proposed Changes
November 2, 2023

I.     Executive Summary: Staff seeks approval of the 2024 Land and Water Resources Conservation and Recreation Plan (Plan) goals, objectives, strategies, and actions.

II.    Discussion: Texas Parks and Wildlife Code section 11.104 requires Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) to prepare the Plan, which serves as the strategic visionary document to guide TPWD’s mission to conserve land and water resources and to provide outdoor recreation opportunities for all Texans over a 10-year planning horizon. The Plan, originally developed in 2002, includes criteria for determining how to meet the state’s conservation and recreation needs as well as measures for evaluating TPWD’s effectiveness in meeting the Plan’s goal and objectives, and TPWD must evaluate its progress in meeting those goals and objectives every five years. As part of this evaluation process, TPWD shares progress updates with the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission (Commission) at Commission meetings and assembles a comprehensive progress report every five years. TPWD’s efforts are also overseen by the Commission’s Conservation and Recreation Planning Subcommittee, which provides guidance on Plan revisions and reviews TPWD’s progress toward Plan goals.

TPWD utilizes a collaborative, stakeholder-based planning process to update the Plan. Following two rounds of public review and input, TPWD staff now seeks Commission approval of the 2024 Plan’s goals and objectives and the corresponding strategies and actions TPWD will use and take to accomplish those goals and objectives.

III.   Recommendation: Staff recommends that the Commission adopt the following motion:

“The Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission approves the 2024 Land and Water Resources Conservation and Recreation Plan goals, objectives, strategies, and actions as listed in Exhibit A.”

Attachment – 1

  1. Exhibit A – 2024-2033 Land and Water Resources Conservation and Recreation Plan

Commission Agenda Item No. 3
Exhibit A



Texas Parks and Wildlife Department

Updated November 2023


Goal 1 – Practice, encourage, and enable science-based conservation and stewardship of natural and cultural resources.

Goal 2 – Increase access to and participation in the outdoors.

Goal 3 – Educate, inform, and engage Texans in support of conservation and recreation.


Objective 1 – Be an exemplary steward of the public’s lands and waters by using the best available science for ecosystem-based management.

Strategies to Achieve Objective 1:

Actions to Achieve Objective 1:

Objective 2 – Provide technical assistance, scientific tools, and strategies to restore and protect healthy aquatic ecosystems.

Strategies to Achieve Objective 2:

Actions to Achieve Objective 2:


Objective 3 – Maintain, restore, and protect healthy ecosystems on public lands.

Strategies to Achieve Objective 3:

Actions to Achieve Objective 3:

Objective 4 – Foster conservation of healthy ecosystems on private lands.

Strategies to Achieve Objective 4:

Actions to Achieve Objective:

Objective 5 – Maintain the highest level of scientific validity and credibility.

Strategies to Achieve Objective 5:

Actions to Achieve Objective 5:

Objective 6 – Restore, recover, and protect Species of Greatest Conservation Need, including state and federally listed species.

Strategies to Achieve Objective 6:

Actions to Achieve Objective 6:

Objective 7 – Establish and enforce regulations to conserve fish and wildlife resources.

Strategies to Achieve Objective 7:

Actions to Achieve Objective 7:

Objective 8 – Protect and interpret cultural resources.

Strategies to Achieve Objective 8:

Actions to Achieve Objective 8:

Objective 9 – Anticipate and plan for emerging conservation issues.

Strategies to Achieve Objective 9:

Objective 10 – Provide a variety of high-quality, nature-oriented outdoor recreational opportunities on TPWD sites.

Strategies to Achieve Objective 10:

Actions to Achieve Objective 10:

Objective 11 – Encourage people of all ages, backgrounds, and abilities to experience the outdoors.

Strategies to Achieve Objective 11:

Actions to Achieve Objective 11:

Objective 12 – Encourage nature and heritage tourism.

Strategies to Achieve Objective 12:

Actions to Achieve Objective 12:


Objective 13 – Cultivate support for the conservation of natural and cultural resources.

Strategies to Achieve Objective 13:

Actions to Achieve Objective 13:


Objective 14 – Increase awareness of the value of urban and suburban ecosystems.

Strategies to Achieve Objective 14:

Actions to Achieve Objective 14: